Why choose our college?
Marcellin College Randwick develops boys into young men that are global citizens. A Marcellin boy sees beyond into the broader world as he reaches out to others and lets go of any preoccupation with self.
An experienced teaching staff, strong curriculum and values based on the charism of Marcellin Champagnat have proven a successful combination for providing young men with wonderful opportunities to receive a high quality education whilst broadening their horizons.
Principal’s Message
Welcome to Marcellin College Randwick, a Catholic Secondary School for boys in the Marist tradition. Founded in 1923, Marcellin College seeks to develop the confidence, capacity and competency of students as they mature into young men. We offer a dynamic curriculum with a wide range of HSC subjects available, and students have achieved outstanding results in recent years in all external examinations.
Marcellin was the first school accredited to provide the Newman Selective Gifted Education Program, offering enrichment opportunities to gifted students and a diverse learning program providing support for students with specific learning needs.
Marcellin College encourages an appreciation for lifelong learning, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to live a full and meaningful life. In the words of St Marcellin Champagnat, after whom the College is named, we seek to develop good Christians and good citizens. In striving for continuous improvement, we foster an environment where structure, mutually respectful relationships and active learning underpin the way students learn. The College provides a broad Religious Education program and students participate in social justice initiatives that give them opportunities to assist those on the margins. The solidarity program offers staff and students the opportunity to be involved in immersions both within Australia and overseas; giving them the opportunity to understand structural injustice and develop empathy for the poor and oppressed.
Mr Mark Woolford M.Ed; B.A (Economics); Dip Ed; Grad Dip R.E.

‘Marist Brothers School and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Randwick opened in 1923 with 159 students, growing to 350 in 1926. In 1932, despite the Depression, the college uniform was introduced. Between 1930 and 1935, thirty percent of the students received University Exhibitions exempting them from fees. In 1955, the school was renamed to Marcellin College. This name change also meant a new college crest.
Between 1957–1962, fathers were asked to volunteer their services for a number of building projects including re-modelling laboratories, Q Store, fourteen classrooms, extensions to the monastery, and a woodwork centre. Probably no school anywhere in Australia has raised up its own buildings through voluntary labour so successfully, so extensively and at such a minimum cost as the Men’s Auxiliary of Marcellin College.
Marcellin Junior began in 1964. After forty years, primary classes ceased at the Senior site. With 5th and 6th classes elsewhere, enrolments dropped from 1,000 to around 600.
In 1968, four laboratories were built, a library constructed, Greenstead Hall remodelled, and the erection of the main gates to the college took place. During 1974, the last two of the six laboratories were added and staff moved into the rooms under Greenstead Hall.
In 1989, there was a significant broadening of the curriculum and the introduction of many new subjects. This time, unfortunately, marked the end of an era as the junior college entered its final years.
Between 1995–2001, the Vaughan Centre and the Champagnat Technology Centre was constructed and the library was refurbished. During 2011–2012, there was substantial investment in teacher professional development, coupled with a 1–1 laptop program.
Major capital works finished in 2015, including a new library, the Devlin Centre, a new canteen, Greenstead Hall, La Valla Centre and a drama performance space in The Marist Centre.
In 2017, the Hospitality and Food Technology kitchens were expanded and a new gym and fitness centre built. The Newman Selective Gifted Education Program also evolved to become the benchmark for other schools in the Sydney region.
Mr Mark Woolford, an ‘Old Boy’ of the class of 1978, was appointed principal in 2018 and continues this role today. In 2019, a number of improvements were made including solar paneling on the rooftop of the Marist Centre, the installation of LED lighting and ice-water bubblers.
Our Mission
Marcellin College Randwick forms honourable young men who can contribute to the creation of a better world. We seek to develop the confidence, capacity and competency of all of our students as they mature from boyhood to manhood.
We aspire to excellence and encourage an appreciation for lifelong learning so that boys can continually attain skills and knowledge in order to live a fulfilled and meaningful life. We undertake this work of education in the tradition of the Catholic church, infused with a Marist spirituality.
In the words of St Marcellin Champagnat, after whom our College is named, we seek to develop good Christians and good citizens.
Our Values
RESPECT FOR OUR FAITH: Acknowledge the faith journey of each person and share positively in the faith life of our school.
RESPECT FOR OTHERS: Value differences in other people and respect all who work in the Marcellin community.
RESPECT FOR SELF: Value the talents we have and achieve to the best of our ability.
RESPECT FOR LEARNING: Contribute to a safe, orderly and productive learning environment, where students interact respectfully with teachers and peers.
RESPECT FOR THE COLLEGE: Be proud of the College and show consideration for the property of others and the College.

Parish Priest: Fr Pat Mara mcs
Address: 193 Avoca St, Randwick NSW 2031
Phone: (02) 9399 6775
Web: http://www.sacredheart.org.au/
Mass times can be found on the OLSH website
Proudly Part of the Community of Sydney Catholic Schools
Our school is part of a system of 147 low-fee Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese.
Sydney Catholic Schools are thriving Catholic communities that ignite a love of Christ through excellent teaching and learning to empower students to reach their full potential.